Lyrics to the Track “Just One Song”

The world is ready for thousands of years,
people shed thousands of tears, thousands of fears,
come here the time is near,
you see the vision is clear,
come here the time is near,
you hear open your ears,
we’re here together, we stand in unity,
join at the sand, join at the sea,
coast to coast we host this coming-together,
through the stormy weather we’re holding together,
wherever we’re joined by this song,
whenever we’re joined to be strong,
african, asian, black, white, caucasian,
male or female, no need for persuasion,
the occasion is unity,
everybody this is you, this is me,
can’t you see the world and what is wrong,
can’t you hear the music of just one song.


We are flowers of just one garden,
we are all fruits of just one tree,
we are all waves of just one sea,
so, is this something you would agree?
The world is ready, get up everybody,
different voices, different races,
different religions in different places,
are you ready for just one song?


Lyrics by Rahá Poostchi & Tobi Akinbiyi